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熊昱翔 留言: (2018-08-14 10:46:36) 管理員大大你好:小弟有伸請帳號.但是太久沒有使用.已經忘記帳號與密碼.請問我該如何處理才能再次上來?謝謝 |
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小齊 留言: (2018-05-07 13:49:33) 此留言是僅給版主的私密留言 |
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Lee Shackelford 留言: (2018-02-08 21:19:01) Well, I live in Linkou Taiwan, but will be moving to the Philipinnes. I have a Meade LX200 GPS 10" that I need to sell, or trade for a Meade 6" scope with carrying case. My telescope has all the normal accessories, counterweights, dew shield, tripod, eyepieces (in Meade foam-lined carrying case) and lots of extras. Sincerely Lee Shackelford 0921070144 |
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馬英傑 留言: (2017-12-08 20:32:05) 1204匯1000元末五碼79978,感謝您! |
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Smith Chiu 留言: (2017-09-27 14:03:21) 你好,隕石問題歡迎洽Smith,本會會員暨國際隕石收藏家協會會員(IMCA8352),手機0912246952, email: f10929@yahoo.com.tw |
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林雨助 留言: (2017-09-18 09:21:24) 六公斤玻璃隕石 麻煩幫忙鑑定 |
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UnKnow 留言: (2017-08-30 15:28:57) 8/31,英士路仰望書房有一場街頭天文 https://www.facebook.com/zenith.asbk/ 如果是本會,應該是9/9,在中興大學 活動細節晚點公告 |
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黃玉綾 留言: (2017-08-29 12:12:36) 請問台中何時會舉辦親子觀星 |
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ADEM 留言: (2017-07-30 18:47:12) 想請問今年2017的尊親天文講該什摸時候報名? |
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陳茂洽 留言: (2017-07-06 20:34:10) 此留言是僅給版主的私密留言 |